Let’s have church together! (in-person)

We will be resuming our in person gatherings on Sunday, June 7th.

We are so excited to be together under one roof again. Church will begin at 10:30am as normal. A few things will be different than normal so we are listing those changes below. If you are not comfortable with being back at church in person yet, not to worry! We will still have the same, great online experience you have been enjoying the past few months. Whether you join us in person or join us online, we will be one church worshiping together. See you there!

  • There will be no Sunday School, Kids Church, or Nursery. We will all be together in the sanctuary.

  • Doors will open at 9:45am, service will begin at 10:30am.

  • Service will still be about an hour long.

  • Masks are not required. Our Pastoral staff, greeters, and ushers will be wearing masks and we will have masks availible upon request.

  • Social Distancing measures will be in place.

  • Ushers will help seat you in the sanctuary to ensure social distancing measures are kept.

  • The fellowship hall will be availible as an overflow room in case it is needed.


For all the up to date information, make sure you follow us on Social media!