What’s Happening


Sisterhood Fall Event

Sisterhood Fall Event

Join us for a night of worship on Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 pm, with special guest worship leader Beth Hill. Experience a time in God’s presence surrounded by sisters in Christ. The evening will be followed by a dessert and coffee after-party for a time of fellowship with friends. Childcare will be provided.

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Journeymen's Wing Night

Journeymen's Wing Night

The Journeymen’s wing night is a fun time for men to get together and get to know one another. The event is held once a month at Bedrock in Bartow. They give us a deal for 7 wings, fries, and a drink for about $8.

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Sit, Sip, and Connect

Sit, Sip, and Connect

Sit, Sip, and Connect is a time for the ladies of our church to come together, share some coffee and light refreshments, and get to know one another. If you are looking for a time to get connected to other women in our church, then this is the event for you!

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat is our annual Halloween celebration! This event is family friendly, and includes lots of candy, costumes, cotton candy, popcorn, and more!

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Kids Pack

Kids Pack

Kids Pack is a ministry in Polk County which provides meals for kids in need when they cannot get food at school (such as weekends and holidays). The meals have to be packaged for each student so we need lots of help to make it happen! We package on Wednesday nights at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

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Apex Parent's Night Out Fundraiser

Apex Parent's Night Out Fundraiser

Help Apex students go to Rise Conference by giving yourself a night out! Students and Leaders at Apex will be supervising and entertaining kids, Prek - 5th grade, while you have a night to yourself. The cost is $10 for the first child in your family and $5 for every additional child. Price includes dinner and all activities.

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Journeymen's Breakfast+ Top Golf!

Journeymen's Breakfast+ Top Golf!

Our Men's Breakfast+ event for September is a trip to Top Golf! We will have breakfast at the church at 8am, and leave for Top Golf in Brandon around 9am. We have lanes reserved for 2 hours of golfing. The cost for golfing is $12. No prior experience or equipment are required. Please note, if you have never been to Top Golf before then they will require you to pay a $5 registration fee at the door. If you have been to Top Golf before, the $12 due at registration will cover the entire day,

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